Sunday, February 2, 2014


     I recently watched this video called, A Mother's Hope, on YouTube today, and I instantly thought of my Mom and Her strength throughout my life.  I remember in my writing class in college getting docked points for capitalizing the M in Mom.  It frustrated the meow out of me!  For 1. I don't care if they dock me points I will do it anyways 2.  If they knew my Mom then they would understand why it's capitalized.  So now you know why I will capitalize my Mom and all the references to Moms in this blog post.
     This video reminded me of how My Mom and how many of our Moms are there for us.  When we may have doubted ourselves, had fears, struggled in sports or activities, Mothers are there for us.  I remember my Dad giving a talk one day in church and saying think about how many loads of laundry Mothers have done for the family.  If she does at least 2 loads a week for 52 weeks that's 104 x 18 is uhh hang on let me get a calculator... it's 1,872.  And that would be just for one kid!  We had 4 total kids and then there is my Dad too so i'll let y'all do the rest of the math.  Let's not forget all the meals, help with homework, diaper changes, rides to school, and all the ways She teaches and serves us.
     My Mother was a stay at home Mom.  Some in the world today may say that isn't work, I would disagree 100%.  People work for what reason?  Yes money, but more importantly to get something in return or plainly to just give back to others that They deeply care about.  So My Mom would do just that help out her family at all costs.  I remember being the little chicken head I was when I was little and one day I was super sick.  My Mom asked, "what can I get for you"?  I said, "could you get me such and such cereal"?  So She went and brought it back.  Then I asked Her again that night if She could get me another cereal and She did with no hesitation.  Even this small act of kindness still sticks in my mind today and has made huge benefits to me in my life.
     Many times life hit me hardships such as finding friends, getting the starting position in sports, finding the right girlfriend etc.  I loved talking and being with my Mom in these situations because She was always there for me and to assure me that everything WILL work out!  Many times I wouldn't believe Her or wouldn't think that it would work out, but every time She was right.  I remember being scared to death feeling unworthy to go on my LDS mission, worried about leaving family and friends, and leaving sports behind too.  I really was depressed and didn't know what to do or what to say.  I remember vividly my Mom helping out and telling the same thing, "things will work out, and you will be fine!".
     Remember the saying, "Moms know best"?  Well it is true, they do know best.  A lot of times we don't want to listen because we always want what we want in that moment.  Moms just know and can see things we can't see.  I strongly believe that God gave them this gift for a reason.  They have instincts that amaze me.  I remember one time my Dad lost his wallet.  We thought it he may have left it at a college baseball game the day before or perhaps some place else.  My Dad went searching and my Mom and I stayed home stumped trying to find the wallet filled with credit cards etc.  After days and hours of looking She said let's pray!  And amazing thing happened.  We knelt down at the side of my Parent's bed and She said a prayer.  When She said amen the wallet was in her hand.  He hands were on the edge of the bed while She prayed and the wallet was in a nook in cranny on the side of the bed.
     I believe many of you who have read this have had similar things happen too with their Moms.  If you feel like me you want and would do anything to repay and give back to your Mother.  Mothers are definitely Goddesses because, like our brother Jesus,  we have much to give back to our Mothers.  We are here on this earth to be tested, and we are given trials, commandments, and different situations.  In the book of Job in the Bible it says in chapter 38 verse 7 that we all..."shouted for joy"  to be able to come to earth and have this experience.  So when tough times come in your life just remember our Brother and our beautiful Mother!
     So to sum it all up.  Thank you Mothers.  Don't wait a week, month, or year to talk to Them.  Speak to Them everyday or as often as possible.  Help Them and give back to Them in any way you can.  I promise that as you do you will be happy and your life will be more rewarding.
     Also check out this short Happiness Video that could help us be positive like our Mothers have always been and have always taught us.  He did many studies and research shows that his theory about happiness works.  So be happy and love your sweet Mothers!

p.s.  Love you Momma!