Monday, August 18, 2014

If You Could Have Any 3 Things..

     In 2005 on the other side of the world in Ravenna, Italy my companion on my LDS mission came up with a good idea.  We were getting rejected left and right and as confident as I thought I was with the Italian language at training in the USA, I really wasn't once I stepped foot in Italy.  It was a rude awakening with all the rejection and doubts with the language.  So my companion, Elder Wilson, decided to come up with something that would be a game changer to help us succeed.
     We would do a survey to help us prospect people to teach.  Most would stop when we would ask them if we could do a quick "sondaggio" aka survey.  We would ask them a few random questions such as:  If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?  What's your favorite color?  If you could be any animal which one would you be?  Then the last question would be..."If you could have any 3 things what would they be?"       
     The top 3 answers that people would would say are. 1.Stronger relationship with God. 2. Stronger relationship with family or a family member 3. Better Health.  These answers hit me hard to home. Immediately after people would tell us their 3, we would say, "If we could help you with God, Families, and Health would be open to listen to us?  I would say half would laugh at us after that and still say no, but a large majority, if not half, would actually listen to us.

     One thing that intrigued me was no one ever said I wanted to be famous, or I wanted all the nicest car in the 'hood, or I wanted to hook up with the hottest person (even though this would be a good choice too haha jk), or anything really of substance that doesn't really last.  What I'm going to talk about last are things that are eternal or last forever because 1. God is eternal/forever 2. Families are eternal/forever 3. Health will be eternal/forever thanks to the resurrection of Christ (so we might as well prepare now to live healthy!)
     One of my favorite things about serving in Italy was meeting and learning about people all over the world.  Their beliefs in God, families, and health.  I'm glad I chose to be open minded to the various cultures and people about their beliefs in God, traditions with family/culture, and their ways of health and foods they would intake.  I'm glad and grateful to those who were open to listen to what we had to teach and offer as members of the LDS faith.  It's hard to get people to listen to you or even have an open dialogue if there isn't mutual respect and openness to the person you speak with.  I'm not saying you have to be open to every thing that comes your way, but is there really anything to lose?  We can always learn something even if we don't agree, and at the same time you never know how it could help us.
     I've always been taught by my parents to read books, and that successful people read books.  I think of successful people and especially athletes.  They are constantly seeking growth and how they can better improve themselves.  Wouldn't being open about growing and learning from others be a humble and great way to grow and become better?
     I love the quote by Thomas Edison,"I haven't failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Talk about being open to failure, growth, and constant communication with others and studying to be able to grow and succeed.  Think of Michael Jordan being cut from the high school basketball team. I guarantee he was open to listening to others and find ways to succeed which he ended up doing.
     I want to briefly explain my 3 whys and solutions to the 3 common answers we would get about having any 3 things.  First is God.  I've had my doubts and fears about God and religion especially with all the noise in the world.  From my brothers serving missions, they ignited a desire in me to want to learn as much as I could about why they would spend 2 years of their life to serve God and what they believed in.  I researched a ton of religions, studied the Bible and Book of Mormon, and I got answers about God and religion.  I was so excited I got an answer about it that I virtually told everyone about it.  I got a lot of resistance, which scared me at first but it just fueled me to want to learn more.  
     Our main objective in helping others better find God was to pray, study, and seek Him.  We didn't want to force anyone to believe in Him but to find out for themselves and then we promised them they would get an answer.  God and Jesus are real.  They are separate and distinct beings with bodies of flesh and bone who love us and want to help us especially when we feel abandoned.  I invite you to be "open" haha and learn more at these two links.

    Next is families.  We believe that families can be together forever.  In Matthew 16:19 it says..."and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."  Families can be bound together forever.  Instead of..."until death do we part" it can say,"for time and all eternity."  As we taught families about this doctrine they would be amazed and excited.  Death isn't the end and it doesn't have to be.  Many of my motivations in life come from this simple doctrine.  I want to live the best I can and help others know this doctrine because it simply changes lives.  We are all apart of our Heavenly Fathers family and he wants us all to return back to him with our own families.  Here is a proclamation on families from a modern prophet and 12 living apostles.  THE FAMILY: A PROCLAMATION TO THE WORLD

    Last is health.  Why is health so important to people?  Because many want to live without pain and feel good and healthy.  Many want to live a long prosperous life and live to a long age.  Many want to protect themselves from injury and disease.  
    My sincere question I sometimes ask is why does the world have such a difficult time with these 3 things that we all want so bad in our lives?  Why are there so many wars because of different views and beliefs about God.  Why are there so many divorces, arguments, and broken families.  Why do so many people want what they know is not good for their body such as smoking, drinking, unhealthy diets, and in-taking things that are almost guaranteed health issues.

     One of the toughest things was to see so many families both on and off my mission deal with depression, guilt, and fear over these 3 things and why they aren't happy.  Whenever we would knock on doors and tell people we had a message about God, families, or say health they would usually reject us for whatever the reason was or give an immediate objection to get us away.  Then I would say something like...well that is just fantastic!  That's what we are here for, and if we were you then I would reject us too probably. But we're here to help you find solutions to the things you seek and want answers to.  And then most people's demeanor would change instantly and they would let us talk and meet with them.

     Well sure enough God has given us instructions on how to live healthy and it is quite simple.  No alcohol, tobacco, coffee,  & tea.  Go to bed early and arise early.  Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean; cease to find fault one with another etc.  Things to do are eat fruits, vegetables, herbs, wheat & grains, and meats (sparingly).  
     I used to think I needed a ton of meat so I could get all my protein and so I could be huge. Not so.  Comes to find out after eating a lot of meet, fast food, and sodas I had a low of 27 for my ldl (good cholesterol). my blood pressure was out of whack and I started getting panic attacks. I knew I needed to eat better, but I kept telling myself not to worry because i'll be fine since I workout, run, and i'm in decent shape and form.  I knew I should have listened to my nutrition teacher.  She even warned us that we may not see the consequences of unhealthy eating now but it will soon catch up to use in our life and it did for me with a bang.
     My aunt Jennifer actually told my wife to watch a video on eating natural and organic foods and to cut back on meat.  I literally was telling my wife to turn it off because I had no interest.  I was "closed" minded.  My wife convinced me to just watch.  I did.  And I was prompted to try it.  I then get a call soon after from my personal trainer back home about an all natural and organic foods and supplement company he was promoting.  I was like this is crazy.  I didn't want to listen to him either! But I seriously needed to do something for my health.  It was literally messing with me both physically and spiritually. I am a stinkin' personal trainer too and i'm not living up to those standards and especially not what I believe in religiously especially with the fruits and veggies.
     What my aunt, wife, and trainer Barry did for me completely changed me.  I feel like a new man!  And eating better with the right foods, the right supplements, and avoided things that will be harmful is something I want to share with others and hope they will be somewhat open like I was.  
     It's funny I've always been taught no never talk about religion or politics.  But i'm realizing now too that it can be crazy even to talk about health as well especially if it deals with network marketing!!  If it really helps though and changes your life and many of others wouldn't it be wrong of me not to share?  Shoot I've been rejected so much for religion that I think fear is afraid of me now sometimes haha. Here is a link that talks more about being healthier and eating natural foods and supplements.

     Now that I've spoken about things that basically can offend the masses I really appreciate any feedback and comments about what you all think.  It's can be a huge fear to share your beliefs, but when you have truth on your side there really isn't anything to fear.  I hope you all will have an open mind and think about what I and many other members of our faith try and share for 2 years as missionaries and as normal citizens daily even not as missionaries.  Feel free to comment and share more about your faith in God, families, and ways you find better health.  If all the people, religions, and the world have open minds, communicate respectfully, and want to help others we can help make this world a better place.  Thanks everyone!

-Caleb Caple