Tuesday, September 2, 2014


     Com-mission.  Commit and mission.  In church, sports, the classroom, and work, you often hear that to succeed you need to have a passion or to have a vision.  A vision of success.  A vision to help you push through the adversities and nay-sayers.  I've wanted to write a book on this, but this blog will do for now.  There are three main things that I want to cover:
1. What is the word com-mission.
2. Why commit and have have a mission/vision.
3. America then and now and network marketing applied to each of us.

     Recently, while in sales and network marketing, I get to "the close".  It fascinates me what happens next.  The responses given seems so true, believable, and even reasonable. They say they don't have time.  I'm not interested.  I am busy. I'm already marketing my business.  They are all natural responses to get you away.  Even if they do actually have a need of the product.  Most will be closed minded, but at the same time it's natural and you can't give up.  Be persistent and consistent and don't give up if they initially say no or give you an excuse.  Have you ever been persuaded or sold on something by someone where you were close minded or gave an excuse but later accepted or bought the product later on?
      Just by mentioning the word sales people will probably click on the X in the top right corner because it's virtually a bad word to most the population.  People do sales whether they know it or not.  It doesn't have to always be with money.  It could be time, action, or to believe something.  Examples: 1.   Parent selling their kids to come home early to avoid danger. 2.  A friend demanding you to join their fantasy team.  3.  A boss or coach encouraging you to work more to reach goals 4.  A nay-sayer telling you that you can't make it in whatever you dream in life because they have no dreams themselves, and last but not least 5. you selling/persuading yourself not to take action.

     Now on this small rant and back to earlier on what I was saying about the nonsense I hear after seeking to close someone on a product or service.  One of the biggest responses I hear is I can't afford it, I need to get things in order first, and let me think about it.  Now most of these sound very very true and they very very may well be.  The problem here is that there will never be a perfect time to basically do anything.  You will never be able to afford what you want, you will always need to get something "in order", and you will always need to know more about something.

     Why is it so easy for these same people to be so devout in demanding someone to join their fantasy, to enforce their kids to be home at a decent hour, and those who push you to become a better person or a player on the field., but then when they are being pitched something they turn into the biggest victims possible naming virtually every excuse in the books.  They could lay an egg just like my 2 chickens in my backyard.  Most the time there hasn't been anything presented or any prices presented to them at all.  When you walk in the door you get a huge stink-face from them like they just smelt a stanky fart.  Here are some examples: 

.  I remember on the mission people would instantly pick up their phone or walk in the opposite direction before we could approach them.  The same thing when I walk into a business, they will get the gatekeepers or walk away as if I had the ebola virus.

     I don't want this to sound like a rant because at the same time it is a very natural thing to do.  When we walk through the mall and get pitched by every booth to try their nonsense you just wanna blow an air horn in their face and say no!  I learned from summer sales that people will naturally say no or give you an excuse just like the responses to closes mentioned above.  You can't stop there!  You have to keep pushing.  Yes, push.  My favorite motivational guy is Grant Cardone.  He says the finest diamonds are made with lots and lots of pressure.  I'm not saying to force someone to buy or anything, but pressure may just be the thing you need to do.  As a football coach and as a former player we would be pressured to succeed and to produce while being pressured by fans, teammates, and coaches to get the Win!  Is it a bad thing to pressure then?  No of course not.  But it must be done in the right way, and to me the right way is to show that you care and to genuinely get to know the player/the client/ and find solutions to help them succeed and overcome problems or weaknesses they or their business may have.

     Many times I had people tell me they won't get married because they want to have money first.  I can't have a child first until I graduate or have the money.  I can't buy your product (that will help solve my problem) because I have no money.  I won't work harder because the economy sucks and no one wants to buy (I've struggled with this and still kind of do.)  This is all non sense and excuses and lies!  They sound so good.  Many times on my LDS mission, people would tell me what we shared and taught was great, and I want to commit and join your church but I need to get my life in order first.  I even had a Mom of a few kids tell me she won't marry her boyfriend (father of the kids too) because there is no point because he may just divorce me later or cheat on me.  So why commit and get married?

Waiting for the perfect moment and timing is detrimental.  Don't get me wrong preparation and prayer are essential especially in big decisions like having a baby and others, but too often we are thinking in the passive.  I remember being so mad watching or being in football games where kick returners or running backs would hesitate and go very slow until an alley or open gap would open up to run.  What I've noticed from the best kick returners and running backs is that they don't wait they attack and create their own gaps. Some of our greatest fears are overcome by actually doing those things we fear. To be successful you have to take risks even if you get run over or get knocked down.

    Sometimes we are so focused on the avoiding debt. obstacles, and fearful situations that we take zero action.  Yes debt is bad but if we are focused on avoiding spending and debt so much we can over look that maybe the problem isn't avoiding so much but maybe that we aren't PRODUCING enough.  Yes running a kick return into 11 large, massive dudes but if we are focused on avoiding them instead of scoring then you may not like what the outcome may be.  Many times in sports you hear the phrase, "don't play not to lose, but play to win."  We should take that saying into every aspect of our lives.  There are many ways to create, make money, and score touchdowns if we believe and have com-mission (commitment and mission).

     What made this country great?  1 The immigrants commitment and mission (vision).  They had a vision to succeed and to break away from tyrannical powers who took away their freedoms.  I envy the passion of immigrants today.  Most of them are extremely hard workers.  Why?  Because they appreciate freedom.  They work hard, they are determined, and they are committed to do whatever it takes to be successful and provide for themselves and their families.  James Pratt, my companion on my mission, and me taught a guy named Adam from Romania who was homeless.  He left his family in Romania to Italy to find work and do whatever it takes to help his family.  He would play the saxophone on bridges and seek finding a way to make money and to get a job.  I loved this man and I learned a lot from his commitment and mission and passion.

     Did you know that Nigeria is listed as the happiest country in the world.  How is that so when they are filled with poverty, corruption, violence, and disease?  Because they choose to be happy.  They don't let the negative and excuses of not being happy get to them.  I love them.  I met many Nigerians and Africans while in Italy.  They made me want to be happy.  It's contagious how happy and awesome they are.  Here is a picture to prove it:

     America was great because it's believed in God.  America knew that God helps those that help themselves.  We depended on God through our faith and committing.  Can we expect to live with God in heaven if we aren't committed to live heavenly here on the earth?  Can we expect to succeed on the football field and win if we aren't committed to practicing like a championship team on the game field?  Can a business owner expect to succeed without investing time and money to help his business grow.  All of the excuses in the world make perfect sense.  It's natural to be mediocre.  It's natural to take the easy road.  It's actually hard to fail and it's hard to be successful.  If you take the easy road it will come back to bite you in the end even if it "seems" easy at first.  If you take the successful route and put a lot of effort and work into it, it will still be hard but at the same time you will find joy and success eventually.  I'd rather take the hard, successful route.

     Look at the increase of food stamps.  According to the website Source it says, "Enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, as the modern-day food-stamp benefit is known, has soared 70% since 2008 to a record 47.8 million as of December 2012."  Not saying these people don't need them but really do they?  Are they being victims to their excuses like those excuses listed above?  If they were promised a million dollars to find a way to be successful and find a way to provide like my good friend Adam from Romania do you think they could then?  Where is the motivation in the American people today?!?!  If one person demands they have a right to free stuff won't everyone else demand and find something they need as well.  Someone once told me that socialism is good if it is done correctly.  The problem is that it can not be so.  This is because it is man made not God made.  Secondly because you are being forced to help others as opposed to doing so on their own.  Third where is the motivation to work and provide when you have it given to you for free?

     Maybe someone could start a government agency to give free money to businesses because the economy is hard.  Maybe someone could start an athletic agency to give athletes free touchdowns and free soccer goals because the competition is too hard now a days and it's too hard to run faster, be stronger, and get bigger like others.  Maybe someone could start a union or petition to demand cheap hospital costs to have children and perhaps a petition to make sure everyone got a degree and $10k cash so everyone can start their post college life and finally do something because their life is now in order.  Maybe we can start an army of people to demand to God that we go to heaven and live happy peaceful lives because we all have that right and we all deserve it.  What do you think God would think of that?  Didn't he say in the Bible in Matthew 7: 21 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH the WILL of my Father which is in heaven." (capitalizaiton added) That sounds pretty clear to me that we do have a right to enter into His kingdom, that is if we are willing to do His will and be like him.  

     Two more scriptures then I will finish off with network marketing. Yes I am going to talk about the 2 main things that everyone says to avoid in any conversation that is: 1. religion and i'm going to add the 2nd thing that is network marketing aka (mlm's).  This scripture is found in The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ in the book of Ether chapter 2 verses 9, 10, and 12. In verse 9 it says,"And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them.  And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity." In verse 10 it says, "And this cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God-that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done." In verse 12 it says,"Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which have been written."

Ether 12 scriptural link.

     Last and not least is America now and network marketing.  America is struggling right now.  There is a lot of idol and laziness going on.  A lot of excuses on why no one can succeed.  A lot of excuses why no one can grow their business or grow their family because of how hard things are.  I am telling everyone now that you can be successful and grow if you have com-mission.  Commitment and a mission in life to achieve your goals.  When businesses or people say they have a need to grow their business there are marketing and business solutions.  Will there be risk and could there be money that they may need to spend to get there?  Yes.  Is it a solution?  Yes.  If someone wants to get off food stamps or get a better job and provide for themselves could they?  Yes if they really really try.  They may need help from their church or a family member at first but it doesn't need to be forever.  They can find an online job or work 3 jobs.  There are solutions, we just need to find them and have an open mind.  

     Network marketing is an awesome principle. It basically is marketing to people.  Simple huh?  People always will tell me but I don't want to annoy family and friends.  It is a scam.  It's funny how network marketing actually produces more millionaires than any other job.  People will talk about it and say..."Hey money won't make you happy!"  At the same time though I would say, "Hey, not having money won't make you happy either!"  Grant Cardone (sales enthusiast) tried the not having money part, and so have I.  It sucks!  

     When I think of America and it's beginning times I think of the leaders they must of had.  I think of the leaders they networked to, to motivate them to tell others to motivate the people that they know as well.  To get up and rise up from tyranny and create something.  To overcome the crap and excuses that nay-sayers will give you.  I'm sure they had terrifying and hard experiences leaving England and crossing the waters to seek freedom.  They couldn't do it alone and that's why they networked and were unified.  Does America have much unity today?

   I think of church, religion, and network marketing linked together as a new prospective.  One of the last things Christ told his apostles before He left this Earth was to go and preach the gospel to all the earth.  Surely Christ wants all those who are being taught to go out and teach others after they have been taught and converted as well.  I have had people say don't annoy people or family with religion, politics. or network marketing opportunities.  I believed them for a bit, but I realized that I shouldn't listen to it like all the other excuses and nay-sayers out there.  I believe that if God puts you in a position where you believe strongly in something then He would want us to share it with our family and friends.  Perhaps we never even thought that He gives us these opportunities so that we will share with our friends and families.  Then why is everyone so scared to talk about their religion, politics. or their network marketing business or even their normal business if it can truly help your friends and family?  Because they are scared, filled with crap from the world/media, it's natural not to, and because the don't have com-mission.  A committed mission.

     I ask everyone to go back to God and the principles this county was established with.  Commit yourselves to a mission that will help you, your business, and help your friends and family grow.  It may be hard at first but with anything it can take time.  Like a seed it takes sunlight, water, daily care and nourishment.  So we as well need Light, daily care, and nourishment.  And if we truly believe and are com-missioned with goals and a vision then share it and network with others, and be like a child who isn't afraid of doing whatever it takes to share their passion of getting the things they want and deserve through their persistence and of course consistency.