Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why Sales.

Think of the last time you persuaded someone to do something.. anything such as:
1. let's go to McDonalds.
2. go on a date with me
3. buy my sales pitch
4. don't root for that team because they are garbage
5. drink a sprite with me
6.  don't date her
7. don't eat that
8. don't touch that
9. clean your room
10. take these antibiotics

This is just a small list of things which can occur in your life or someone's life to persuade some one to do something.  One could do all 10 in a month or even a day!

Sometimes I get tired of people saying they just can't do sales, or perhaps you shouldn't do sales, or why do you do sales-- they say it's too hard.  It drives me nuts.  Ask yourself if selling occurs in any of these things/situations.

1. football
2. dancing
3. any sport in general
4. being with your kids
5. being with your significant other/ spouse
6. teaching
7. coaching
8. a friendship
9. your dang animals ( eat your food Tina!!! )
10. what to do on vacations

Many of these need a ton of decisions, persuasion, and selling!  Regardless if you are selling to earn money you are selling change!  You are selling ideas.  Selling doesn't always need to involve money.

I truly feel that if you truly believe so much in something you will sell!  Think of a movie that you like.  Did you tell a friend how much you enjoyed that film?  Most likely?  Why?  Because it makes you feel good.  Mainly because you chose it and you want to re-confirm your decision of why you went to see that movie so you persuade others!  You also think it will be beneficial for them.

I didn't think I would like to do sales until I had served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  People wouldn't think that this is sales, yet it really is.  You are "helping", not forcing others to find solutions to problems or something that may be missing in their life.  Serving and meeting others everyday has certainly changed my life and helped me want to be a part of sales.

So what is sales?  Is it being that annoying car or mall salesman to bug the crap out of you?  Maybe so?  But what if there were no sales or sales people.  Then government would really spread like cancer.  There would probably be food stamps urrrrrwhere.  Sales is really sharing and helping someone find a solution to a problem.  Sales, although, can be forced on someone.  I don't call that sales.  I would call that communism or socialism, which  both are virtually the same thing.

What if someone doesn't want to do sales because it is scary.  Well so are a lot of things.  It's okay to be scared.  It doesn't have to occupy your mind and make you lose focus.  Most successful salespeople are positive, enthusiastic, and find a joy in what they do.  Does that mean you have to do something that you like to be successful?  No!  You find a way to enjoy it.  God and family are my #1 priority.  God wants me to work and provide.  My family depends on my to support and provide for them.  What better way to do that than to do sales?!

In conclusion, I just want to say that sales is great.  It is a great reminder of what the Founding Fathers wanted for us citizens, the free enterprise system.  Many people work their butts off in a salaried job, and many others don't do jack sh*^&** at their salary job.  Who gets paid more?  Neither.  Why?  Because they make the same amount.  Why should they dictate how much you make when you are worth so much more.  That's why I love commission jobs.  You get paid what you are worth.  And if it doesn't involve money such as everyday persuasion or say missionary work, the bottom line is there is no limit too how much potential there is for helping others and helping them solve problems.

And boom goes the dynamite!


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