Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why Religion?

    Before you read this it's best if we start out with a video of religion mingled with Will Ferrell.....

Will Ferrell Mormon Style

     You hear a lot of talk that there are a certain things you just don't bring up with people, religion, politics, or whatever.  But Why!?  It's been around since day one, actually before day one- that will be discussed in a later blog.  It's funny because I'm the kind of guy who doesn't like contention or to bring up huge contentions or discuss things that could make things be awkward. I really don't think religion, or say politics or something of that nature does make things weird or feel awkward in nature.
  I feel that people are the ones that create or have the attitude of making things weird.  It's all about your attitude and basically being open to hear many views, instead of being quick to judge and all.   And after serving a 2 year mission for my church and watching topics on social media, etc., religion, is one of those topics people have basically made awkward or made a way where people just don't want to talk about it because its so called touchy, pushy, or whatever excuse- unless your Tim Tebow ha ha jk.

     There are a few things I want to talk about. It seems like there is another rhetorical revolution of ideas today just like the days in ancient Greece with Plato, Socrates, etc.  There are so many religions and so called ideas and philosophies that people seem to be creating their own religions. 1. What is religion. 2.  Why religion. 3.  What are the consequences of religion.

     According to it says:


  [ri-lij-uhn]  Show IPA
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, natureand purpose of the universe, especially whenconsidered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional andritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.

It is interesting to me to see the different definitions listed here.  One of them is a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.  I find this interesting because there are, it seems, thousands upon thousands of different churches made up of persons and sects.  Now the definition also says religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, purpose of the world, etc.  Now if a person, sect, or religion believes in a supreme being that is Omniscient (all-knowing) wouldn't God have religion already set.  Since God is perfect wouldn't his religious teachings and His organization, teachings, and plan be one perfect plan and religion.  In Ephesians 1 verse 5 it says: One Lord, one faith, one baptism.  It also mentions in 1st Corinithians 1 verse 10 ....but that ye be PERFECTLY JOINED TOGETHER in the SAME MIND and in the SAME JUDGMENT.
     So if religion is a set of beliefs and practices regarding God, His purpose, and the universe wouldn't it be safe to say that God would have one set way?  His way? 1st Corinthians 1 verse 13 says For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.  So religion to me is that what God intended it to be.  Pure and perfect just like He is.  Now of course people aren't perfect so that doesn't mean that His word and religion is wrong if someone has done wrong or something of that nature.

    I like to talk about religion because I have been around it my whole life.  I've seen and known many different people and religions over my life.  They all have something good in them.  My purpose in writing this isn't to prove anyone or any religions as wrong or false.  Nor am I demanding people should convert to my beliefs or religion.  Although I would have to say that would be cool and make me happy if someone should convert!  That's the cool thing about religion.  No one is or should be forced to believe or do anything.  God has given everyone free agency to search, pray, and chose for themselves.

     In the Book of Mormon in 2nd Nephi 2 verse 25 it says. Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.  This is a great reason on why to believe in God and religion.  For happiness!  There is nothing to lose in seeking out a religion.  I remember one time on my mission an Atheist told me you Christians just believe in God because you are afraid there may be nothing after this life and you need some sort of hope, some belief, or religion to latch on too.  Even if that is the case I would say that is reason enough to at lease try and see if there was something instead of just thinking there is nothing after we die.

    I feel it's okay to talk about religion openly.  I've learned tons from Catholics, Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, and others with open dialogues and researching these religions.  I remember doing summer sales a few years ago and seeing a door that said something on the lines of- no salesman and no missionaries- like it was a no soliciting sign.  This is fine but man what are people so afraid of.  Why not keep an open mind.  Even if you don't like something or may not be interested doesn't mean you can't learn, grow, or see why even something that may be differnt or unkown may help you to see a new spectrum of something that could be beneficial.

    In conclusion,  I've had multiple times in my life where I have doubted or have questioned myself over religion in general.  I've feared because of the many voices and opinions in the world.  I'm grateful for prayer, scriptures, family, and good friends which have assisted me in my life.  I am extremely happy because I have overcome a lot of tough times and have had God and religion help me overcome many trials.  Religion has helped me understand that just like football there needs to be a plan and a head coach (God) at the head.  Players, organization, unity, plan (scriptures, prayer, commandments) are things that will help us be successful in this life.  Many people in the world are searching for answers to their difficulties, trials, and questions about where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going.  I have found these answers in my life and they have changed my life and I am grateful for religion and the purpose and knowledge it gives me in my life.

     Thanks to everyone who have taken the time to read this.  Please message me or comment about what you thought and even about you and your religion.  I love learning and growing and knowing more about others and their stories.  If you are interested in wondering why I have such a strong passion for religion and my beliefs I invite you to check out these two things:
2.Blueprint of Christ's Church

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